Everything is ready for Balkan Rowing Championships in Višegrad
350 competitors from Balkan countries
Balkan Rowing Championships, which will take place from 5th to 7th of September, will be held in Višegrad, on the lower Drina lake and will involve 350 participants from Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania, Albania, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus and Bosnia, has been said at today’s press conference in Andrićgrad.
Secretary-General of the Serbian Rowing Federation and President of the Rowing Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nebojša Marković says that on Friday, September 5th will be qualifications, a Championship will be opened at 16:00 o’clock in Andrićgrad by the President of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik, president of the organizing committee of the competition.
Radomir Stojić, chief engineer of Andrićgrad, reminds that thanks to engagement of working machines they managed in a record time of one and a half month to clean and renovate run-down bank of the Drina River, in a distance of 3,000 meters, and create the conditions for upgrade of future bike and walking paths.
Vice president of Rowing Federation ofa Serbia, Zoran Jetic has announced that the competition in this championship will be very tough, given that there will be 50 contestants who have won medals on European and World Championships. Coach of rowing team of Serbia, Nebojša Ilić says that Višegrad has outstanding chance to become a real rowing center of a European level, adding that the contestants from Serbia will compete with 18 crews in the men’s and women’s competition.
With the support of Andrićgrad, organizer of the championship is Rowing Federation of Republic of Srpska, whose president is movie director Emir Kusturica.
- We are organizing championship with a great technical and professional help of Rowing Federation of Serbia and we have engaged 150 volunteers, explains Nebojša Marković.
On Saturday, the 6th of September, Višegrad will host regular Congress of Balkan Rowing Association, which will be held in the Andrić Institute.
Slavko Heleta