Promotion a the documentary “Spokoj mira” (The serenity of the end)
In the cinema “Dolly Bell” in Andrićgrad has been promoted a documentary film “The serenity of the end” by Milan Nikodijević from Vrnjačka Banja, which tells about the Ustashas’s crime, they killed 6,000 Serbian civilians in April 1942 in Stari Brod, near Višegrad.
About the horrendous crimes against the Serbian children committed by Ustashas of Francetić’s black legion, in which Muslims excelled from this Drina’s area, talked the Dean of the Orthodox Theological Faculty “Sveti Vasilije Ostroški” (St. Basil) in Foča, Darko Đogo.
Also was promoted a new book “Stari Brod – zaboravljeni zločin” (Stari brod-forgotten crime) by publishing house “Dabar” of Dioceses of Dabrobosanska and publishing sections Serbian Sokol society “Soko” from Dobrun.
Besides Višegrad’s painter Hadži Branka Nikitović, about book also spoke the editor of “Dabarr” and “Soko”, Višegrad’s journalist and publisher, Slavko Heleta, and editor of the book, Aleksandar Savić.
At the memorial complex in Stari Brod today will be consecrated Memorial Chapel, memorial of brutally murdered 6,000 Serbian civilians from Eastern Bosnia.